Mahnomen Public School will host a Pfizer vaccine clinic for students 16 years old and older next Thursday, May 6th. To be eligible, students and parents/guardians must return a completed and signed Consent Form by Tuesday, May 4th to ensure an accurate amount of doses are ordered and available. Below is a link to the consent form, found on the school homepage under Documents-Health Forms. Paper copies are available in the High School office.

Mahnomen High School will be hosting Prom this Saturday, May 1st! We invite you to join us via Live Stream for Grand March at 7:00 pm on the Mahnomen School Facebook page.
Students attending prom have received the following information regarding the Prom schedule and Grand March.

Lately there has been an increase in COVID activity in our community and across the state. Please follow safe behaviors. Even though many of our community members have been vaccinated most of our students have not been.
If you are placed in quarantine or isolation due to COVID exposure please follow the recommended guidance and stay home and away from gatherings.

The area has seen an increase in COVID cases lately and this has brought exposure into our school. Please continue to practice safe behaviors.

Enrollment packets have been mailed out for next years Kindergarten and Pre-K students. Call 935-5281 if you need a packet. Return completed enrollments by May 1st to be entered into a parent drawing for Booster Bucks!

We still have just a couple openings left on April 19th. Call to make an appointment.

Mahnomen Public Schools 4/8/2021
Dear Families,
We were notified by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) that a member of the Mahnomen Public School community has tested positive for COVID-19. It is possible the person was able to spread the disease while in the community on this/these date(s) 4/6/2021. We cannot for privacy reasons share details about the person. At this time, they have been told to stay home and away from other people (in isolation) until they are well and can no longer spread the disease.
We have worked with MDH to identify those who were in close contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19, and have told them directly to stay home and/or to work from home for 14 days, even if they have a negative COVID-19 test during that time. This is how long it can take to show signs of the disease.
If you have not been contacted, your child is not considered a close contact, and there is nothing special you need to do.
Because the spread of COVID-19 from unknown sources is widespread in Minnesota, you should continue to watch your child for COVID-19 symptoms, which include:
Fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
New cough or a cough that gets worse
Difficulty/hard time breathing
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
New nasal congestion/stuffy or runny nose
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Muscle pain
Extreme fatigue/feeling very tired
New severe/very bad headache
If your child gets symptoms, they should stay home and you should talk with their doctor or other health care provider to decide if they need to see a doctor and/or to get tested for COVID-19. Please review the following resources:
Home Screening Tool for COVID-19 Symptoms (PDF) (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/schools/homescreen.pdf)
COVID-19 Attendance Guide for Parents and Families (PDF) (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/schools/attendance.pdf)
We understand that this news may make people feel uneasy. We have taken action to clean and sanitize the building and are working closely with MDH to watch the situation. We are asking all members of our community to lower the chance of spreading illness by taking the following actions:
Protect yourself and others by wearing a face covering.
Wash your hands often with soap and water.
Cover your coughs and sneezes; do not touch your face with unwashed hands.
If you are sick, stay home from school, child care, sports, and other activities.
Clean all commonly touched surfaces often, such as telephones, doorknobs, countertops, etc.
Resources that you may find helpful:
MDH Coronavirus Disease 2019 (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/index.html)
MDH Schools and Child Care: COVID-19 (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/schools/index.html)
CDC Coronavirus (COVID-19) (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html)
If you have questions, contact Ashley Braun, RN
Mahnomen School Nurse
Thank you for helping to keep our school community safe.
Mahnomen Public Schools

Summer STEAM Camp is an amazing opportunity for students who are in Kindergarten thru 8th grade to review concepts, practice reading skills and learn about the wonderful world of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math). Our summer program will run on Monday thru Thursday for 8 weeks from June 7th -July 29th from 8:30 am -2:30 pm. Transportation will be provided; Breakfast, lunch and a snack will be served ; Field trip s are included!
Questions? Contact Mandy Okeson at aokeson@mahnomen.k12.mn.us
or (218) 935-2211 ext. 502
Registration link is here!

Mahnomen Public Schools 04/1/2021
Dear Families,
We were notified by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) that a member of the Mahnomen Public School community has tested positive for COVID-19. It is possible the person was able to spread the disease while in the community on this/these date(s) 03/29-30/2021. We cannot for privacy reasons share details about the person. At this time, they have been told to stay home and away from other people (in isolation) until they are well and can no longer spread the disease.
We have worked with MDH to identify those who were in close contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19, and have told them directly to stay home and/or to work from home for 14 days, even if they have a negative COVID-19 test during that time. This is how long it can take to show signs of the disease.
If you have not been contacted, your child is not considered a close contact, and there is nothing special you need to do.
Because the spread of COVID-19 from unknown sources is widespread in Minnesota, you should continue to watch your child for COVID-19 symptoms, which include:
Fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
New cough or a cough that gets worse
Difficulty/hard time breathing
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
New nasal congestion/stuffy or runny nose
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Muscle pain
Extreme fatigue/feeling very tired
New severe/very bad headache
If your child gets symptoms, they should stay home and you should talk with their doctor or other health care provider to decide if they need to see a doctor and/or to get tested for COVID-19. Please review the following resources:
Home Screening Tool for COVID-19 Symptoms (PDF) (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/schools/homescreen.pdf)
COVID-19 Attendance Guide for Parents and Families (PDF) (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/schools/attendance.pdf)
We understand that this news may make people feel uneasy. We have taken action to clean and sanitize the building and are working closely with MDH to watch the situation. We are asking all members of our community to lower the chance of spreading illness by taking the following actions:
Protect yourself and others by wearing a face covering.
Wash your hands often with soap and water.
Cover your coughs and sneezes; do not touch your face with unwashed hands.
If you are sick, stay home from school, child care, sports, and other activities.
Clean all commonly touched surfaces often, such as telephones, doorknobs, countertops, etc.
Resources that you may find helpful:
MDH Coronavirus Disease 2019 (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/index.html)
MDH Schools and Child Care: COVID-19 (https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/schools/index.html)
CDC Coronavirus (COVID-19) (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html)
If you have questions, contact Ashley Braun, RN
Mahnomen School Nurse
Thank you for helping to keep our school community safe.
Mahnomen Public Schools

NO SCHOOL April 1-April 5. Enjoy Spring Break!!
This weeks elementary newsletter: https://5il.co/r40f

The district will stop the delivery of meals starting next week. Families can still come to the school swimming pool doors from 11:00-11:15 to pickup meals. Thank you!

Mahnomen Community Education is offering a Defensive Driving course, see the flyer for more details!

COVID numbers remain low in our school community but they are not gone. Please continue to practice safe behaviors: wear a mask, wash your hands and social distance.

Parents and Families,
Monday March 29th, marks the first day of 4th quarter and we have many students returning to in-person learning! This has required some adjustments to our bus routes. In the next few days drivers will be contacting those families that have new pick-up times or have been reassigned to a different bus. We ask for patience and flexibility as we welcome more of our students safely into in-person learning!
Here are a few reminders for our in-person learners and those students/families joining us for in-person learning for the first time this year:
*To ride the bus, masks are required to be worn at all times.
*On the bus, students must sit in their assigned seats.
*We do not allow bus passes outside of a students’ designated route.
*For the safety of our children please use the parking lot for student drop-off and pick-up! The bus loop is for school buses only.
*Follow all district health & safety expectations

Reminder to families that parent teacher conferences will be held virtually on Monday and Tuesday next week! The high school will also be completing registration, please see a few extra details from our high school office!