Parents/Guardians We are having technical difficulties in administering our back-to-school survey. We will rebroadcast it once we have worked out the problem. Thank you for your patience.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Parents/Guardians, Mahnomen School District is asking for your input on back-to-school planning for the fall of the 2020-21 year. Please complete our survey by selecting the link below. If you do not have access to Internet to complete the survey you may call and request a paper version be sent to you. Thank you for your support.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Families of Mahnomen Public School This message is to provide a brief summer update on planning for the start of School Year 20-21. As you may have heard, MDE has asked schools to develop plans for return to school during the COVID pandemic. Those plans are to have options for 3-situations: In-Person, Hybrid Learning & Distance Learning. Which method we will start out the year under has not been determined yet. Because of the changes in the pandemic we may be required to transition between each of the different options at anytime during the year. Rest assured that Mahnomen School District staff have been gathering information and resources and is in the process of developing plans for each of these options. Safety for students and staff is a priority of our planning as well as a commitment to providing the best education possible. This pandemic is a fluid situation and we will continue to monitor and adjust to the changes. There will be new expectations and procedures put in place regardless of the option being used. We ask for your patience and cooperation as we work through changes in our school community. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
A few photos from our June Enrichment Camp!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
STEAM Camp registration.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
We are hiring! Mahnomen Public School District has multiple positions open and is currently seeking applications. Positions are open until filled. To review postings and apply online by visiting our website at WWW.MAHNOMEN.K12.MN.US under the Menu tab, select “Job Openings”! Mahnomen Public Schools is an Equal Opportunity Employer
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
From Mahnomen Schools The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) is working to plan for the 2020-21 school year. They want to hear from families about their experience with the distance learning this past spring. Your feedback is extremely valuable to MDE so please complete the survey linked at the end of this message. The information gathered will allow MDE to make decisions on how to help families as they balance the responsibilities of work and family, while also supporting student learning. Please use the survey link address below to provide your input. The survey will close on June 30, 2020.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Families: please see this note shared from the Minnesota Department of Human Services regarding benefit opportunities!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
The Minnesota Department of Education is hosting Family Engagement Week from June 1-5, 2020. Throughout the week, education experts will be hosting series of online events and promoting resources to help support families over the summer months during these unprecedented times. Sessions for today include: Libraries, Families and Community Learning 1-2 p.m Parenting in Uncertain Times 4-5 p.m. Follow the link for more information on today's topics and more!…/…/covid19/supstucovid19/MDE032801
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Reminder that Mahnomen Elementary is hosting 1st - 6th grade Enrichment and STEAM Camps this summer! This is a great opportunity for hands-on learning experiences! Your child should have received a registration form in your Week 9 Distance Learning Packet. If you need a registration form, please email Mandy Okeson at or stop by the district office doors of the school to pick one up!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Friday, May 29th is the last day of the school year and for school meals. Area community programs that can help provide assistance for meals include: Feed Our Families 218-936-6010 and Helping Hands Food Shelf 218-935-2822. Thank you for your cooperation and have a pleasant summer break.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Mahnomen Elementary School will be hosting limited Enrichment and STEAM Camps this summer for next year's 1st to 6th grade students. Please look for the information/registration flyer in the "Summer Fun" packet being sent home tomorrow with Distance Learning and meal delivery. You may also come in and pick up a registration form at the school beginning at 12:00 pm on Tuesday, May 26th. Registration will be first come, first serve.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Families just a reminder that tomorrow Monday, May 25th is Memorial Day and there is no school and there will not be meal delivery. Meals will be delivered this week, Tuesday through Friday, May 29th and then end for summer. Also the last day any school work from Distance Learning will be accepted is Tuesday, May 26th. Please make certain that students return school property such as textbooks, calculators and library books with their final assignments. Thank you for your cooperation and efforts during these past months.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Mahnomen High School 2020 Virtual Graduation - Congratulations Seniors!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Today we celebrate the Graduating Class of 2020! A short ceremony at 2:00 pm will be broadcast on KRJM. A Senior Parade will depart the school following the ceremony. Please see the attached route to line and celebrate with honks and cheers! Congratulations Graduates, we will miss you!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Please join us in celebrating the Mahnomen Class of 2020 TOMORROW, May 24th! A short ceremony at 2:00 pm will be broadcast on KRJM. A Senior Parade will depart the school following the ceremony. Please see the attached route to line and celebrate with honks and cheers!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
We invite our community members to join us in celebrating the Mahnomen Class of 2020 THIS Sunday, May 24th! A short ceremony at 2:00 pm will be broadcast on KRJM. A Senior Parade will depart the school following the ceremony. Please see the attached route to line and celebrate!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Senior Spotlights! Congratulations to the MHS Class of 2020!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Families of Mahnomen Public School, The school year is quickly coming to an end. Our final Distance Learning packets will be delivered on Monday, May 18th. Please try your best to return them by Thursday, May 21st. The last day any school work will be accepted is Tuesday, May 26th. Elementary students will receive a final “Summer Fun” packet on Tuesday, May 26th with items to keep and use during the summer break. Personal property belonging to students is being sent home with Distance Learning packets during the next two weeks. Please make certain that students return school property such as textbooks, calculators and library books with their final assignments. High School students may choose to keep possession of their school issued Chromebook over the summer unless you are not planning to return next fall. Meals will be delivered daily through Friday, May 29th. Childcare for school age children of essential health workers will also continue through the end of May. Thank you for your cooperation and efforts during these past weeks of Distance Learning. Stay safe!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432