Dear Families of Mahnomen Public School Governor Walz recently authorized schools to implement Distance Learning Plans starting Monday, March 30th through May 4th. Please use this web link to view the full Mahnomen School District’s Distance Learning Plan. This information will also be mailed to all families for those without Internet connectivity. Distance Learning Packets will be sent out weekly on Mondays and picked up on Thursdays. Both will be in conjunction with the school’s meal delivery, via bus route, which will continue 5-days per week. Students are responsible to come out and meet the bus. The school has taken steps to ensure safety and all Packets will be quarantined for a minimum of 3-days prior to leaving the school and after they are returned. Packets will be graded and accepted up to one week late. Teachers will be available 8:30 am to 3:15 pm daily via email and phone to answer questions and assist students with their work. Teacher contact information is included in the educational packet materials. Teachers will also call students every day to check in on progress and record attendance. Additional information from specific programs and student services may also be included in the Packets. Distance Learning has some student expectations: Students will be expected to meet the bus to pick up their packets on Monday of every week and again on Thursdays to return the completed packet. This is no different than meeting the bus to go to school. Students will be expected to contact their teachers if they do not understand the material or need help or guidance in any way. Daily attendance will be based on daily teacher to student contact and completed assignments. Students are expected to complete work and return it for grading credit. School staff would like to thank you for working with us during this time. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. Please remember to view our school webpage and media outlets for information and announcements.
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
School families if you called and requested meals delivered to your home bus stop please come out and get your meals so we don't have to throw them out when we return to school. We are experiencing high numbers of no shows during our deliveries.
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
A reminder to families that the school is delivering free meals to children during the school closure via bus route stops. Per regulations for meal delivery the child must be visibly present to receive meals through the school lunch program. Also for the safety of school staff that are delivering the meals children must come out and get a meal at the bus stop.  If you would like your child to receive meal services please call 218-936-5857. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Students and Families, Just some update information for you as we move forward. Teachers are working to put a plan together for distance learning if needed after March 27th. Before the end of next week we will share the plan with students including: how student will receive learning materials, the expectations we have for student and how attendance will be tracked. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Please see this letter regarding COVID-19 from the school nursing staff at Norman-Mahnomen Public Health! Find this and other closure related documents here:
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Reminder: If a meal was requested for your child(ren), that child(ren) must be present when the meal is delivered! Our busses are departing for deliveries soon! If your child(ren) walk to school, Door #2 will be open at 11:00 am for grab-n-go bag pickup!
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Requested meal services start today. Please refer to the letter shared previously for more information. As processes develop, we ask that you complete the one-time Food Request Form also sent with today's meals.
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Reminder there is no school starting tomorrow, March 18th through March 27th. During this planning time there will not be any educational assignments sent home. If students want to receive the breakfast & lunch meal please call 218-936-5857 between 8:00-9:30 AM and request this option. Meals will be delivered by bus route after 11:00 AM. Thank you
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Please see this note regarding meals during the school closure, thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Please note that the Pool will also be closed until March 30th. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
With the closure of school starting March 18th a priority of the school is that our students continue to receive nutritious meals. If you would like your school age student to receive a daily breakfast and lunch starting Wednesday please call 218-936-5857 between 8:00-9:30 AM each day to request the meal service. The plan is to deliver these student meals using the school bus routes with buses leaving around 11:00 AM daily. Please plan to have someone available to meet the bus and pickup the breakfast and lunch. If your child walks to school they can come to Door #2 at 11:00 AM and pickup a grab-n-go meal. Thank you for your patience as we navigate these new challenges.
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Reminder that all after school activities and events have been cancelled through March 29th.
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Parents & Guardians, Here is a copy of our COVID-19 letter (in a photo format) containing the same information shared previously regarding the District's plan for the upcoming week and school closure.
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Dear ISD 432 Families: Today, Governor Tim Walz and Education Commissioner Mary Cathryn Ricker announced that all Minnesota public schools will close to students starting Wednesday, March 18, 2020 with the plan to resume instruction on Monday, March 30, 2020. Mahnomen Schools will be in operation Monday and Tuesday, March 16 and 17. This closure is to give staff time to plan for providing educational services in the event of a longer school closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will also be using the time to deep clean the school and buses. IF you are a member of the emergency services profession (law enforcement, fire department, EMTs, etc.) and/or the medical profession (direct care staff) that has elementary school aged children and do not have child care options, please contact the school Monday or Tuesday, May 16 and 17. We will make arrangements to provide supervision for your children during what would be regular school hours. In addition, all after-school programs, extra-curricular activities, community ed, and school events through March 30th have been cancelled. Please remember the basics for prevention: thorough and frequent hand washing, covering sneezes and coughs, cleaning frequently touched surfaces, practicing social distancing (maintain a 3 – 6 foot separation between you and others) and staying away from large gatherings of people. If your child is feeling ill and has flu-like symptoms please keep them home from school. As more information is made available, we will post on our website, on Facebook and through the School’s App. Please keep the school updated with current phone number and address to receive updated information. Thank you, Jeff Bisek, Superintendent
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Due to guidelines set forth by the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health in response to the COVID 19 health issue, we are cancelling our events and activities where large groups would be meeting. Consequently, next week's Jr. High Music Festival and speech night will be postponed. The Minnesota State High School League has also released an announcement stating that all sports and activities are limited to practice and tryouts until April 6, 2020.
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
This weeks Elementary Newsletter Note: Boys & Girls Club will be OPEN on Monday & Tuesday, March 16 & 17.
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen Elementary
As we hear of events across our state and nation being cancelled due to COVID19 concerns, we want to reiterate again that the school districts in the state continue to take guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Department of Education, and the Governor's office. We'll continue to provide information to you by way of our alert system as it becomes available. In the meantime, remember to cover your coughs and sneezes, wash your hands frequently, and stay home if you are not feeling well.
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
We inducted eight new members into the Mahnomen Chapter of the Minnesota Honor Society this morning! Congratulations to all!
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Indian Ed and the 3rd graders recently got to spend an afternoon ice fishing with the White Earth Natural Resources department! Thank you for a fun day!
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Thank you to everyone who made the JH Lock-In so much fun!
almost 5 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432