Basic Ojibwe Words and Phrases
Mahnomen Public Schools is committed to the recognition and support of diversity. The use of basic Ojibwe words and phrases are encouraged in daily engagement.
Double Vowel Chart
This is how to pronounce Ojibwe words. All consonants sound the same as in English.
“Zh”- sounds like the “su” in measure
“a”- sounds like the “u” in sun
“aa”- sounds like the “a” in father
“i”- sounds like the “i” in sit
“ii”- sounds like the “ee” in feet
“o”- sounds like the “o” in go
“oo”- sounds like the “oo” in food
“e”- sounds like the “ay” in stay
Four Seasons
Winter- Biboon
Spring- Ziigwan
Summer- Niibin
Fall- Dagwaagin
Four Directions
East- Waabanong
North- Giiwedinong
South- Zhaawanong
West- Ningaabi’ anong
Four Stages of Life
Baby(ies)- Abinoojiiyens(ag)
Child(childeren)- Abinoojii(yag)
Boy(s)- Gwiiwizens(ag)
Girl(s)- Ikwesens(ag)
Women(Women)- Ikwe(wag)
Man(men)- Inini(wag)
Old Woman(women)- Mindimooye(yag)
Old Man(men)- Akiwenzii(yag)
Four Medicines
Ceder- Giizhikaandagoons
Sage- Bashkodejiibik
Sweet Grass- Bashkodemashkosiw
Tobacco- Asemaa
Come here!- Ondaas
Come in- Bendigen
Hello- Boozhoo or Aaniin
My name is (your name)- Niin (your name) nindizhinikaaz.
Please- Daga
Say it again(repeat)- Ikidon miinawaa
See you again- Giga-waabamin menawaa
See you later- Giga-waabamin naagaj
Thank you- Miigwech
Black- Makadewaa
Red- Miskwaa
White- Waabishkaa
Blue or Green- Ozhaawashkwaa
Brown or Yellow- Ozhaawaa
Family Members
Aunt, father’s sister(s)- Ninzigos(ag)
Aunt, mother’s sister(s)- Ninoshenh(yag)
Brother(s), older- Nisaye(yag)
Brother(s) or sister(s), younger- Nishiime(yag)
Daughter(s)- Nindaanis(ag)
Father(s)- Nindede(yag) or Imbaabaa(yag)
Friend(s)- Niwiijiwaagan(ag) also, Niijii(male) and Niijikwe(female)
Grandchild(childeren)- Noozhis(ag)
Grandfather(s)- Nimishomis(ag)
Grandmother(s)- Nookomis(ag)
Husband(s)- Ninaabem(ag)
Mother(s)- Nimaamaa(yag)
Sister(s), older- Nimise(yag)
Son(s)- Ningozis(ag)
Sweetheart(s)- Niinimooshe(yag)
Uncle, Father’s brother(s)- Nimishoome(yag)
Uncle, Mother’s brother(s)- Inzhishenh(yag)
Wife(wives)- Niwiiw(ag)
How old are you?- Aaniin endaso-biboonagiziyan?
One- Bizhig
Two- Niizh
Three- Niswi
Four- Niiwin
Five- Naanan
Six- Ningodwaaswi
Seven- Niizhwaaswi
Eight- Nishwaaswi
Nine- Zhaangaswi
Ten- Midaaswi
January (Great Spirit Moon)- Gichi-Manidoo-Giizis
February (Sucker Fish Moon)- Namebini-Giizis
March (Crust on the Snow Moon)- Onaabani-Giizis
April (Sap Boiling Moon)- Iskigamizige-Giizis
May (Flower Budding Moon)- Zaagibagaa-Giizis
June (Strawberry Moon)- Ode’ imini-Giizis
July (Half -Way, Summer Moon)- Abitaa-Niibini-Giizis
August (Wild Rice Moon)- Manoominike-Giizis
September (Leaves Changing Color Moon)- Waatebagaa-Giizis
October (Leaves Falling Moon)- Binaakwe-Giizis
November (Freezing Over Moon)- Gashkadino-Giizis
December (Little Spirit Moon)- Manidoo-Giizisoons