In preparation for the upcoming term, we are asking families to begin filling out the Return to In-Person form if they are wishing to return to in-person learning at the beginning of Quarter 2. Deadline for this form is Monday, Oct 26th. If you are unable to access this form for completion, please contact either the Elementary or High School office for assistance.
Hello Mahnomen Public School Community,
White Earth Home Health is offering free flu vaccinations THIS Thursday October 22, 2020 starting at 8:30 a.m. at the school. If you would like your children to receive the flu vaccination, please fill out the form (linked below; Flu Vaccine Form) and return it to their teachers. Please note the form needs to be filled out and returned before your child can receive the flu vaccine. Follow the link for the flu: what you need to know information sheet.
Distant learners that are interested in getting the flu vaccine please contact the health office at (218) 935-2211 ext. 111.
If you have any questions please feel free to call the health office or the school nurse.
Ashley Braun, RN
Norman-Mahnomen Public Health
Mahnomen Public School Nurse
Unity Day is tomorrow, Wed., Oct. 21, 2020! Wear and share orange to show you are united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion and to show your support of bullying prevention. #UnityDay2020
Good Morning from MHS! Announcements & Activities for today include:
-Varsity VB at Fosston. No C team, B team at 6:00
-JH VB vs Fosston (Mah) - 8th grade at 4:30, 7th after
-JH FB at Lake Park. 7th at 4:30, 8th after
Ms. Evenson's students were encouraged to #BlueUp by wearing blue to celebrate the World Day of Bullying prevention earlier this month! They are helping make bullying prevention heard around the world!
Good Morning from MHS! Activities & Announcements include:
-JH volleyball game vs Bagley at Mahnomen is CANCELED
-Homecoming week will be Oct. 26 - Oct. 30 check back for information on activities and days of the week!
COVID Case rates are increasing in Mahnomen County. Please practice safe behaviors: wear a mask, wash your hands, disinfect and practice social distancing!
These increases in community cases may have a negative effect on school models of instruction and activities being held.
Good Morning from MHS! Announcements & Activities for today include:
-FB @ Ada. JV at 4:30, varsity at 7:00 pm.
**No School tomorrow and Friday--MEA
*There will be a meeting for anyone interested in joining the Mahnomen-Waubun Sparklers Dance team on Monday Oct 26
at 7pm via zoom meeting.
*Homecoming week will be Oct 26-30
Federal Programs Public Meeting -
The public and parents of American Indian students and Tribal officials are invited to attend the Mahnomen School District’s fall Federal Programs Hearing Meeting on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Library. This meeting may also be attended virtually via Zoom. For virtual access please contact the District Office at 218-935-2211 and provide an email address which the meeting link can be sent.
This meeting is open to the public to provide information and seek input on District Federal educational programs (including, but not limited to): Title I, Title II, Title VI, and Title VII-Impact Aid programs.
Topics to be covered at the meeting include:
*Equal access of students to all programs.
*Tribal & Parental Involvement in Educational Program Planning
*Federal Programs Mahnomen Public School participates in.
*General overall programs of the School District.
*Demographics and Participation in programs.
*Preferred methods for effective communication and dissemination of information.
*Comments and recommendations for improvement of educational programs
Good Morning from MHS! Today's activities & announcements include:
-JH Volleyball vs NCE/Ulen (@ Waubun )8th Grade will play first at 4:30, with 7th grade to follow. Livestream of the event will be ~ No fans for this game. After this game, home fans will be allowed at all JH Volleyball matches. Each Thunderbird player will be allowed to invite 2 parents/guardians/adults.
-Varsity VB @ Nevis--if a livestream is available, it will be shared when provided.
-School Board Meeting
Reminder: PTSO Pizza orders are due TODAY.
Reminder: It is MEA Week--No school Thursday & Friday.
Dear Families/Students/Staff of Mahnomen Public Schools,
We were notified by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) of a lab confirmed case of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) in a member of the Mahnomen Public School community with exposure date(s) of 10/5/2020.
We have worked with the MDH to identify those who had close contact with the case, and have communicated with them individually. The risk of exposure for other individuals present in the building on that date is no greater than the risk of contracting the virus in the general community.
If you were not identified to have close contact with the positive case you should still monitor for symptoms of illness, but do not need to stay home unless symptoms develop. If symptoms develop, stay home and consult with your physician to determine if medical evaluation is needed.
We understand that this may create unease in our community. We have taken action to clean and sanitize the facility and are working closely with MDH to monitor the situation. We are asking all members of our community to minimize the spread of illness by taking the following actions:
• Protect yourself and others by wearing a face covering when it is hard to stay 6 feet away from people; washing your hands often with soap and water; covering your cough and sneeze; and avoiding touching your face with unwashed hands.
• If you are sick, stay home from child care and other activities.
• Be prepared in case you get sick and need to stay home. Keep enough food, regular prescription drugs, and other necessities on hand in case you need to stay home and are not able to go out easily.
• Frequently clean all commonly touched surfaces (e.g., telephones, doorknobs, countertops, etc.).
If symptoms develop, stay home and consult with your physician to determine if medical evaluation is needed. If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, MDH recommends:
1. Stay at home for at least 10 days, and for 24 hours with no fever and improvement of other symptoms (Your fever should be gone for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medicine).
2. Use the CDC website on how to Care for yourself at Home with COVID-19.
3. If your household contacts were exposed to you while you had symptoms, they should try to stay home as much as possible for 14 days.
This is a challenging time and I know many of you may be feeling stress or anxiety. We will get through this together as a community, and will be stronger when we emerge.
Resources that you may find valuable are:
• MDH Coronavirus:
• MDH If You Are Sick:
• CDC Coronavirus:
Ashley Braun, RN
Mahnomen Public School Nurse
Tracy Johnson, RN, MSN
Investigation and tracing
This weeks Elementary Newsletter
Mahnomen Community Members,
Mahnomen County is recently seeing a significant increase in the number of confirmed positive COVID cases. Please practice safe behaviors: wear a mask, practice social distancing, wash your hands frequently and disinfect surfaces to limit your exposure.
Even though the number of positive COVID cases in the school population has remained low the rates in the county could mandate changes to the school's current models of operation. Which may require a shift from in-person to distance learning for our students. Please stay safe and help reduce the spread. Thank you.
Good Morning from MHS! Announcements & Activities for today include:
- Varsity VB @ Clearbrook
-JH FB @ Red Lake Falls
Reminder to Distance Learners:
*Individual Pictures are scheduled for tomorrow Friday, Oct 9, 8am-2pm. Please use the HS gym doors, entrance #14. Pictures will be taken in the concession area. A mask is required to enter the building. Please remember to practice social distancing Forms can be filled out while you are here or you can order online and use order code 53202BB
**Due to COVID restrictions and limiting visitors in the building, pictures will only be for school age students that are enrolled in our school. If anyone asks about getting pictures taken of their younger children/babies that are not in school, they can call Starkey's at 935-2135.
In preparation for the upcoming term, we are asking families to begin filling out the Return to In-Person form if they are wishing to return to in-person learning at the beginning of Quarter 2. If you are unable to access this form for completion, please contact either the Elementary or High School office for assistance.
ICYMI: Follow the link view our Mahnomen Sept. Students of the Month ceremony! Congratulations to Kinslee Jensen (K-not pictured) Clayton Bower(1), Mauriana Thompson (2), Sabrina Hernandez (3-not pictured), Trey Beauchamp (4), Sayde Kier (5-not pictured), Molly Lague (6-not pictured), Gavin Hlubek, Kayla Slette, Jesse Kuznia, Alivia Haider (not pictured) Congratulations to our Staff of the Month 0 McKenzie Ingram and Amanda Okeson!
Good Morning from MHS! Activities & Announcements include:
-HS Individual Pictures
-JH VB @ NCE in Ulen 8th grade will play first at 4:30 , 7th to follow. Live Stream Link:
It's National Custodial Workers Recognition Day! Let's celebrate and show appreciation to our staff that work tirelessly to keep our school clean, safe and healthy! Thank you!
This weeks Elementary Newsletter :
Good Morning from MHS! Activities & Announcements for today include:
-Student of the Month (live stream video & saved for replay)
-JH Football vs. Ada at Waubun
*A HUGE congratulations to the 2020 Thunderbird Football Cheer Squad members!
*Girls Thunderbird Basketball program will have their 1st Annual Free Throw-a-thon on Oct 10th. See a girls basketball player if you are interesting in pledging a player.
*2019-2020 yearbooks are available for $45 in the HS office