Parents and Guardians - If your child is ill please call the school office and report it by calling 218-935-2211 ext. 111. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Picture Days! High School In Person Students: Tuesday, Oct 6 Elementary In Person Students: Wednesday, Oct 7 Distance Learning Students: Friday, Oct 9
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen Elementary
Picture Day
White Earth Reservation can assist with COVID support. Phone #’s for support: 1-833-989-2873 or 218-983-4684 Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4:30 PM Press 1 for One-Call: General ?’s, Mental Health & Constituents Press 2 for Feeding Our Families (Food Shelf) Press 3 for Nurse Line (Testing Questions)
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
This weeks Elementary Newsletter
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen Elementary
Dear Families/Students/Staff of Mahnomen Public Schools, We were notified by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) of a lab confirmed case of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) in a member of the Mahnomen Public School community with exposure date(s) of 9/21-9/22/2020. We have worked with the MDH to identify those who had close contact with the case, and have communicated with them individually. The risk of exposure for other individuals present in the building on that date is no greater than the risk of contracting the virus in the general community. If you were not identified to have close contact with the positive case you should still monitor for symptoms of illness, but do not need to stay home unless symptoms develop. If symptoms develop, stay home and consult with your physician to determine if medical evaluation is needed. We understand that this may create unease in our community. We have taken action to clean and sanitize the facility and are working closely with MDH to monitor the situation. We are asking all members of our community to minimize the spread of illness by taking the following actions: • Protect yourself and others by wearing a face covering when it is hard to stay 6 feet away from people; washing your hands often with soap and water; covering your cough and sneeze; and avoiding touching your face with unwashed hands. • If you are sick, stay home from child care and other activities. • Be prepared in case you get sick and need to stay home. Keep enough food, regular prescription drugs, and other necessities on hand in case you need to stay home and are not able to go out easily. • Frequently clean all commonly touched surfaces (e.g., telephones, doorknobs, countertops, etc.). If symptoms develop, stay home and consult with your physician to determine if medical evaluation is needed. If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, MDH recommends: 1. Stay at home for at least 10 days, and for 24 hours with no fever and improvement of other symptoms (Your fever should be gone for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medicine). 2. Use the CDC website on how to Care for yourself at Home with COVID-19. 3. If your household contacts were exposed to you while you had symptoms, they should try to stay home as much as possible for 14 days. This is a challenging time and I know many of you may be feeling stress or anxiety. We will get through this together as a community, and will be stronger when we emerge. Resources that you may find valuable are: • MDH Coronavirus: • MDH If You Are Sick: • CDC Coronavirus: Sincerely, Ashley Braun, RN Mahnomen Public School Nurse (218)280-3085 Tracy Johnson, RN, MSN Investigation and tracing (218)280-3125
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Dear Parents & Guardians, Mahnomen Schools, along with our partners in Public Health & Safety have a growing concern for the health and safety of the youth in our communities. We have seen an increase in activity related to the possession of and use of marijuana and other illegal drugs within our community. We want to take this opportunity to remind our parents and families that they have a great deal of influence on the choices their children make and we encourage the communication of the dangers related to illegal drug use both here and at home. The Mahnomen School District strives to provide a safe and healthy environment for all of our students. To reduce exposure, increase awareness, and influence positive choices in school the district uses the services of Interquest Detection Canines to conduct random searches of classrooms, lockers, and parking lots. The district also follows a strict policy on the possession of illegal substances to protect students from exposure. There are numerous free resources such as:; to use when communicating these dangers with your children. We believe we share the goal to help our children grow to be healthy adults with our parents and families and Thank you for your positive encouragement of saying "No" to drugs!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Our American Indian Parent Advisory Committee invites you to participate in this year's AIPAC election. Election date is October 9th, 2020. To request a mail in ballot, please contact the Indian Education Program at 218-935-2211 or via the information provided on the notice. Information for onsite/poll voting will be shared soon. Miigwech!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
PTSO invites you to the Mahnomen Country Club tomorrow evening for their 1st meeting of the school year! Meeting starts at 5:30 pm!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Reminder to parents/guardians Masks are required to be worn in school and on buses please be sure to make sure your child has their mask when you send them to school. Also the school is limiting access to the building to essential visitors only. If you need to meeting with your child's teacher or other school staff please call the elementary or high school office and set up an appointment. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Reminder to Parents/Guardians: For the safety of our children please use the elementary parking lot drop-off pick-up zone when bring your children to and from school. School starts at 8:30 AM and dismisses at 3:15 PM. Please do not drop-off students prior to 7:50 AM.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
This weeks Elementary Newsletter:
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen Elementary
We are excited to share that Garden Valley Technologies has approved the Students First Internet Discount program, offering reduced rate Internet service for up to 6 months to households within the GVT service area and participating in the Free & Reduced-Price Meal program within their local school district! Families wishing to participate in this program must fill out a release form and submit it to the school! Find the waiver information here and remember, to be eligible you must live within the GVT service area and qualify for the F/R Meal program.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
High School Students & Parents/Guardians, the high school will be offering a basic Google training session tomorrow (9/11) from 1:00-2:00 pm in the Roy Johnston Community Room for those needing assistance with Google Suite. The session is limited to 25 student/parent pairs and registration is required. Please contact Aimee Pederson at 218-935-2211 to sign up. Remember to bring your device, enter through the gym doors, and wear your mask!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Basic Google
High School Students & Parents, here is the student schedule for all HS students on Fridays. *Please note that you must sign in for each class or you will be marked absent. If you need to schedule extra time with a classroom or teacher, please reach out to that teacher for a meeting time. Go Thunderbirds!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
HS Friday Schedule
School Meal Updates! Please see the graphic for some exciting information!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Happy 1st Day of the 2020-2021 School Year! We can't wait to see you--in person or online! Have a great day & Go Thunderbirds!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Bus Transportation Due to COVID-19 there are several changes in regards to bus transportation. Buses will be operating at 50% capacity using every other seat. Your bus number and driver may have changed from previous years. You should be receiving a call from your driver with the approximate pick-up time. For the safety of all passengers the following procedures have been put in place: Face masks are a requirement to ride. Students will sit in their assigned seat. Students will be assigned seat with household members only. Bus will load back to front and unload front to back. To maintain separate student groups and meet space restrictions no bus passes will be given out. Parent/Guardians are responsible for make alternative transportation arrangements. Thank you for your cooperation.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Hey 7th graders! We are excited to welcome you to the high school! Check out this video introducing some of your teachers and support staff! Go Thunderbirds!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD #432
Parents/Guardians, Each morning please complete a health screening of your child at home before send them to school each day. If your child signs of illness please keep them home and call the school. The school has partnered with public health and will use MDH's COVID-19 Decision Tree for Schools to determine when your child can return to school. Thank you for your cooperation.
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
MDH COVID-19 Decision Tree
Mask up for safety!
over 4 years ago, Mahnomen ISD 432
Mask Safety